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Charts - Lines

Line charts can express qualities about data, such as hierarchy, highlights, and comparisons.


Data format

To plot lines, series must be of type 'line' and have property data containing an array of numbers. It has to be associated to an xAxis with data property.

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Adding area

You can fill the area be:low the curve by defining the series' property area. This property will be used to customize the area. But you can simply pass an empty object if you're fine with default settings.

Overlapping areas is not a nice pattern. To stack lines, you can define the stack property. LInes with the same stack value will be stacked on top of each other.





Line pots are made of two elements named LineElement and AreaElement (will come SymbolElement). Each element can be selected with the CSS class name .MuiLineElement-root or .MuiAreaElement-root. If you want to select the element of a given series, you can use classes .MuiLineElement-series-<seriesId> with <seriesId> the id of the series you want to customize.

In the next example, we use the following code to customize line style, and the area of the germany GDP. The definition of myGradient is passed as a children of the chart component.

  '& .MuiLineElement-root': {
    strokeDasharray: '10 5',
  '& .MuiAreaElement-series-Germany': {
    fill: "url('#myGradient')",


I assume, we could have properties area, line, and symbol in the series definition. Those objects would the be passes as props to the components.